I too was exposed to various traumatic situations. I too walked through dark, apparently hopeless valleys several times. Depression accompanied me for years, a clear indication that I was in survival mode and not living out of my own healthy and powerful ' I '.

I realized that to get out of that situation I needed to go deeper. But how? Trauma management was the clear answer. Helpful pillars for me, to name a few, were - and are - Craniosacral Therapy, constellation work, Pilates, analysis of the mindset. 

Thanks to my own experiences and transformation, I was clear that I wanted to offer other people the opportunity to come into their power as well. Since 2012 I've been accompanying people on their journey holistically.

From the bottom of my heart I wish that YOU also can dance through life according to the principle of joy and pleasure and internally be FREE, CLEAR and CONNECTED.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


A selection of my education and training

Life itself


Craniosacral Osteopathy

Inner child - work

Constellation work based on the Intention-Method

Coach for Potential Development

Contemporary Pilates



Mediumship and Sensitivity

Travel High School