

~Lifestyle Analysis

~Constellation Work

~Integrative Bodywork


~El Toque de la Vida

~Blindfolded Nude Dance



It's my calling and an honor to accompany those who want to reconnect with their essence, internally grow and live their life empowered.

I invite you to dive deep into yourself to discover what holds you back from feeling free, contentinspired and at peace. Take the step to transform, open your heart - and fly high. That's the moment of fully accepting yourself.

My mission is to inspire and support as many humans as possible to reconnect with their healthy 'I' and thus live their true potential.
As, empowered together, we make this world a better place.

To enable this, I offer my services related to empowerment through trauma therapy FREE OF CHARGE. Your only financial contribution goes towards the lifestyle analysis, which allows to set the basis for the ensuing trauma therapy.

I look forward to walking at your side and gently assist you on your way to inner freedom.

Gabriella Sakhaya Lattarulo


Reconnect with your


Free yourself from your illusions
Live your Potential

A healthy psyche is capable of distinguishing between
(according to Franz Ruppert)

~I, you and we

~Past, present and future

~Perceptions and projections

~Inside and outside

~Loving what is and unfulfillable longing

~Sensual desire and sexual craving

~Realities and illusions

~The feasable and unattainable

~Living, surviving and death

It is content and wishes others the same.

A traumatized psyche resists self-awareness by being fixated on the outside. It looses itself in talking, need for activity and fights.
It numbs itself and fosters daily its unhappiness.