The path of the
Empowerment process

is the path of Self-Love
The moment you realize that the pressure of suffering has become unbearable for you, and you feel the urge for personal change, your inner process has already begun. It is the process back to your true self.

From now on it is highly recommended to get professional support for your further journey. So that you can fully open up to this process, trust towards your facilitator is the most important prerequisite.

In the 20 minutes free online first meeting we give ourselves the time to find out if we want to go this way together. If we agree to work together, we focus first on the lifestyle-analysis (description below). It's the basis for being able to dive deeper into your process.

As you unfold, you come to recognize your psychological healthy aspects, as well as the traumatized aspects and trauma survival strategies.
You experience phases that you navigate with ease and others that are more challenging. Integration and thus phases of rest are essential and part of the process. Equally essential is meeting yourself with patience, kindness, self-love, trust and compassion.


In-person and/or online

At our first meeting, we take a closer look at your lifestyle. We focus on topics related to e.g. family (of origin), work, nutrition, mindset, self- and world- view and recurring situations. Also, I offer you the space to share your current concerns and what you want to change in your life.

This allows me to get an overview of the aspects we shall deepen during your empowerment journey so that sustainable change can take place.

The Lifestyle Analysis takes about 3 hours. Both in-person and ZOOM meeting is possible.

Your time for change is NOW.
Seize your opportunity and reserve your date.

The price for the Lifestyle Analysis is CHF 450.-
The trauma therapy itself is free of charge and includes constellation work, bodywork and dialogue.



Based on the Intention-Method

1:1 & in group
In-person and / or online

This method offers the possibility of self-meeting. It shows both the healthy and traumatized aspects as well as the trauma survival strategies.

Your intention sets the groundwork for each constellation session. You express what's currently most important and of concern for you. This can be done through a word, sentence or question.

Procedure in the group setting:

~ You choose a representative for each word

~ You decide in which order the representatives give their feedback what they experience in resonance

~ A dialogue as well as a non-verbal communication can take place between you and the representatives

~ I stay in the background and accompany the process mindfully

Procedure in the individual setting:

~ For each word you choose an object or you write the word down on a card. You place them in the room in a way that is appropriate for you

~ Afterwards you stand on the respective words

~ Open yourself to emerging feelings, emotions, images or thoughts

~ I attentively accompany you through this process of self-encounter

Group setting: Contribution for costs incurred approx. CHF 35.- p.p.
Individual setting: A donation towards renting the room is appreciated


energetically* & physically

*in-person and / or online

Bodywork is a central aspect of trauma management, as traumatic experiences get stored in the body as a memory and cause discomfort and/or illness. By releasing these blockages, the physical and emotional stress can consequently be released as well.

The basis of my bodywork is
Craniosacral-Osteopathy, which I have supplemented over the years with further approaches, intuitive movements, touch and other techniques.
The session can take place in stillness and/or verbally accompanied, energetically (with or without physical contact) as well as bio-mechanically based.

I'm here to accompany you through your process and help you to sustainably step out of the traumatic memories.

The sessions take place in-person. Energetic bodywork without physical contact is also possible via ZOOM.


A donation towards renting the room is appreciated



In-person and / or online

To express one's thoughts, emotions and feelings verbally is just as important and helpful as going through processes in silence.
Dialogue is in my eyes an indispensable part of the holistic trauma therapy. Like the other approaches, though, it would be limited if used by itself.

During our dialogues you have my full attention, empathy and compassion. In this sacred space, you experience to be heard, seen and met free of judgement or evaluation. In addition, it's always your decision what and how much you want to share with me.

Our conversations can take place in-person,
on the phone or via ZOOM.

A donation towards renting the room is appreciated


What is trauma ?

Trauma (greek: wound) is a burdensome event or a situation which is emotionally disturbing or life-threatening and cannot be managed and processed by the affected person. Most trauma is experienced in womb and early years in life. It leaves deep wounds in the soul and has an unfavourable effect on the mental, physical, social, emotional and/or spiritual well-being of the affected person.

Traumatic experiences :

~Physical, sexual and emotional abuse

~In the womb

~Neglect during childhood

~Serious accidents



~Discrimination, racism, oppression

~Sudden, unexplained separation from a loved one

~Living with a family member with mental health or substance use disorders

Although trauma can occur at any age, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, it has particularly debilitating long-term effects on children’s developing brains.

Possible symptoms of trauma :



~Increased heart rate

~High blood pressure

~Respiratory distress



~Gastrointestinal problems

~Back pain





~Irritability / anger / aggression

~Tendency toward shame

~Emotional numbing





~Language difficulties


~Concentration difficulty

~Decision making difficulty

~Feeling unsafe

~Feeling betrayed

~Difficulty trusting others
. . .

It may be years before the symptoms manifest, and usually they are not recognized as a result of the traumatic experience. Often, the symptoms are caused by an unconscious reactivation of the trauma (flashbacks), e.g. when a situation similar to the traumatic experience occurs.

How someone responds to a traumatic experience is personal. Research has shown that traumatic experiences are associated with both behavioral health and chronic physical health conditions. Because these behavioral health concerns can present challenges in relationships, careers and other aspects of life, it is important to understand the nature and impact of trauma, and to explore healing.

Most importantly - healing is possible.


"Do I live - or am I in survival mode ?"